Fluffmonsters, now and then

While taking a moment away from the vagaries of Ask Domesticat*, tonight's plans to see Harry Potter with friends, and the general mishmash that occurs during a lazy weekend, I would like to make the following observation.

A photo unearthed this weekend proves once and for all that no matter how big the kitties get, they're not that much different than the tiny little fluffmonsters they were when they were nine weeks old:

Really, this is just obnoxiously cute.  Actually taken January 2000, but we'll plop it with the 1999 photos.Disgusting.

[see full photoset]

You would think that cats, being rotten from birth, would become (by percentage) less rotten as their body mass increases. Judging by Tenzing, this does not appear to be the case.

* This completely spurious entry is brought on by the need to test a new bit of code in the add_entry section of Quarto. Thanks. Enjoy the photos. Drive through.

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Bourgeois pig! Well, maybe not.

How did you enjoy The new Harry Potter film? Better than the first? (Loving this haiku questioning, btw)

Cute kitties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just love cute kitties...

Kernel's ability as a rotten catslut has increased with time and girth. He's more demanding, and he has the weight to demand attention.