1:46 a.m. Still less than the number I need to achieve, but the longer I sit here, the closer I get.
The plan is to acclimate me to dragon*con time. dragon*con, for those of you who aren't familiar yet, is the sci-fi/fantasy convention coming up Very Soon Now, of which I am part of the tech staff.
While dragon*con technically runs 24-7, its slowest hours are from three to eight a.m. Thus, my plan: change my sleep schedule so that I am sleeping from four to ten a.m. If I can function on fewer hours than that during the convention (and I believe that I can), I will.The hot tea in the mug to my left is so heavily saturated with sugar that any self-respecting Brit would refuse to even call it tea. I can drink hot tea and like it, but my growing up in the American South has ingrained in me an appreciation (requirement?) for sweet tea that I will likely take to my grave.