Not well
Currently a little bit ill (said in the same voice that someone would use to say that they're "a little bit pregnant").
I'm under a doctor's care, am taking plenty of meds, etc. If you've got suggestions on easy-to-eat foods for me - I can't taste much but have to eat regularly because my medications make me queasy - leave them here.
No, I don't have the flu. That'd be too simple, and straightforward. :D Explanation soon.
Amy: | sneezefit. and yet more stuff comes out of my nose. At some point, I have to reach critical mass, right? There has to come a point where I'm finally extracting more than I'm creating. |
Heather: | You know, I think that too when I'm full of snot, but I think snot violates the rules of the universe. |
Amy: | There is no law of conservation of snot. *laugh* |
Heather: | Pretty much. |
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