domesticat's blog

actual visual acuity

Yearly appointment for feline rabies shots? Check.
Appointment for eye exam? Check.

Blatant avoidance of things that need doing? Check.So, for those of you playing the home game, here's an update…Quarto now stands at eighteen separate files. Well, twenty if you add in the one that I've got partially done and the one that I've not even touched yet. Let's call it 18.5/20…I think I've earned a little bit of generosity, no?

Okay. Maybe I haven't. But throw the myopic a bone, eh?

The other bits are starting to fall into place. Gareth (may his l33t coding skillz be praised) is working on a conversion script for my files. Brad has indicated willingness to contribute a second script assuming his (very reasonable) bribe price is met.

The rest is up to me.

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Brother, can you spare a white cane?

So. Righty-roo. The rest of this week is shaping up to be a series of potentially-classic days; the kind that give you endless amounts of material to write about.

The plan: go by the vet's tomorrow. Pick up sedatives for darling kitties, numbers one and two. It's time for their yearly rabies shots, and given the fang-and-claw showcase that was last year's vaccinations, I think it's safe to say that I'm not bringing the little darlings within ten feet of a needle without giving them some serious happy drugs.

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I'll put my trust in Oompa Loompa

In some strange, bizarre way, I actually like driving on the freeways of Atlanta. Spaghetti Junction. The Vehicle Accelerator. The Watermelon 400. I can now officially say that I've done 'em all.

Don't fear the weasel

Brian, Suzan, and Jeff are currently curled up in the living room, watching Cowboy Bebop. Me, I'm sitting back here in the back of the house, tapping quietly on an unfamiliar keyboard. It's such a shame, really; I've tried my hardest to like anime and I just can't, so I'm hiding and writing while they watch TV.

If I wave a blowtorch over the egg...

Weekends at Brian and Suzan's are always interesting. Always. The conversations are the best part. After all, have you ever had this conversation over good barbecue before?

spaghetti (western) code

In my next life, I'm going to be like Brad, who says, "I usually don't bother [doing pseudocode], or else I do extremely general pseudocode. I usually find it's not worth my effort." But, unfortunately, I've proven time and time again that I'm just not capable of carrying large amounts of logic in my head all at once—and keeping it all straight—so I've been going through the plans for Quarto, a page at a time, and creating pseudocode for them.

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