new site, new music, etc.

Not exactly a site change, not exactly a sleazy update: is now open for business. I strongly suspect that none of you will care, and if so, then I've done things right.

I'd said some time ago that I was thinking of putting together a second site that does nothing but provide a home for the linkfood I run across as part of my daily reading. The posts just don't fit on, but I was getting really tired of bookmarking and bookmarking and bookmarking endless sites.

I've tested the design on Mozilla, IE, and Opera for PC (under win2k) and they all render perfectly. It's HTML 4.01 Transitional compliant, and once the last little bit of changes gets made, it'll validate under HTML 4.01 Strict as well. If it doesn't work under IE for Mac, I think I can safely blame it on the browser.

Oh, and it's not skinnable. Every now and then it's nice to have a site that has just one design, one look, one set of code. Kind of…refreshing.

Lastly - for those of you still reading, I have another recommendation for you. If you get a moment, take a listen to GrooveLily. Stephen has been kind enough to loan me his copy of their new live CD, and in the space of 24 hours, the live version of their song "The Balancing Act" has quickly become one of my favorites. It's something about the counterpoint between violin and piano; it's as simple as it is catchy and pretty. (Andrew - you must hear this.) They have some songs available for download on their site.

End music pimping. End site pimping.

End entry.

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w00t, Love the simplistic design, Amy. Cheers! :)

Guess I should mention - this is the same quarto install. Just a different site. I saw that a couple of you tried to register. For now I'll have to add those additional site privs by hand; I haven't figured out how I want to handle that stuff yet.

Let me second Amy's recommendation of Groovelily. (Imagine!) The first CD of theirs I heard wasn't really theirs -- it's the one done by Brendan, Gene, and some other people while their violinist and co-singer, Valerie, was on the road with Cyndi Lauper. I tell you now: hie thee hence to the Groovelily site, go to the Music page, and download the MP3s for "Everything You Got" and "Try Again" from the "Brendan and the Extenuating Circumstances" CD. You won't regret it.