Jeff's debut
Jeff had his first performance with the Huntsville Master Chorale today. I used the performance as an opportunity to test out my new camera. I made some mistakes, but I also got some very good photos.
I borked the white balance prior to the show, so everything after the rehearsal had to be photochopped because the color was blown out. The blue channel was very serviceable, so I extracted just that, deepened the blacks, and got some serviceable black-and-white photos out of them.
I'm slowly learning how to use this camera.
Nevertheless -- see the photos here. Yay Jeff, who donned a tux and did a solo and got kudos for it afterward. I got to show the woman sitting next to me his name and say, "That's my boy."
Warm fuzzy all around!
Wow, he didn't tell me he
joyeuse: I didn't know I had
Some nice photos!