Cats as NFAs
Here's what I sent out this morning via twitter:
If a human kid, those actions would mean "I had a bad dream, plz cuddle me." But Tenzing is a 9yr-old CAT. Translations, twitterkin?
The response from John was worth quoting:
Tenz as an NFA: N>E;N>M;N>S;N>P;M>S;M>E;M>P;E>P;E>S;E>N;E>M;P>M;P>N;
P>S;P>E;S>N;S>P;S>M;S>E;E>Po;Po>N;Po>S;Po>M;N>Powhere N is napping, E is eating, S is scritchies, M is meowing, P is playing with Edmund, and Po is pooping.
Can one be speechless and laughing at the same time?
A non-deterministic finite
A non-deterministic finite autonoma is a lot easier to fit in 140 characters than a deterministic one. :)
Oh, and assume that N is the start state. I forgot to mention that.
THAT is brilliant.
THAT is brilliant.