It's time.

Time to go.

The bags are packed, the kitty-sitters have directions, the staff database has been nudged and massaged into its final form, and everything that can be done for DCTV has been done.

My preparation for dragon*con 2004 began in January of this year. It ends--at last!--tomorrow morning, when I stow my bags in the car and do one of the things I love best: drive.

Four hours of early-morning peace and quiet will put me in Loganville, Georgia, base camp for dragon*con 2004. I'll partially unload the car and start on my last-minute cooking. There are eggs to boil, Rice Krispie Treats to make, and then the purchase of the last of the perishable items.

Then we rest.

Then we pick up Kat, Chris, and Jake at the airport.

Then we drink.

After one more night of fitful sleep, we storm the Hyatt.

Hello, little hotel. You don't know it yet, but you are ours.

Just wait.

I know I haven't written much lately. Preparing for DCTV and tech staff in general has eaten most of my free time for the past three months, and it shows it on this site. Hang tight. Right after 'con, there's always plenty to say. In the meantime…get plenty of sleep. At least one of us should.


Enjoy your time at con :) I miss going to convention. I used to have such a blast. (of course I would always end up with a cold afterwards because my sytem would be so messed up from lack of sleep.. lol) Here's hoping you don't get a cold ^_^

The amusing thing to me is that I'm coming through ATL this weekend on my way to Charlotte. I've kept that quiet from everyone so I wouldn't get asked, "So, would you come and help with load-in for a couple of hours?" ;)

Sounds so fun! Can't wait to have you back.

Can we get a new post on how dragon*con went? PLEEASSE?!?

You're right. I know. Silly me, going all silent...