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I debated saying anything, and right now I'm still not ready to talk about it much.

Let's just leave it at this for the time being: I was in a car accident yesterday, and it was my fault. It was a minor fender-bender, and thankfully, both I and the other driver are both uninjured.

I did get a sunburn from standing outside in sunlight for over 30 minutes in a sleeveless dress, though.

I'll sit down soon and write a much longer version of this, complete with Arlo Guthrie quotes and much funny and maybe even something insightful … but right now, my car's in the shop with a broken nose and my friends are right: kicking myself over this for the the thirty-millionth time isn't going to do any good.

Today I'll make dinner for friends and work on resuming workouts and take the mower to be fixed. The rest can just bloody well wait.

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Hey, look at it this way: did you run into a tree in your own yard? No? Then you weren't involved in the dumbest automobile accident in your group of friends. Not that this will make you feel any better, of course, but if you want to laugh at my driving mishaps and take your mind off of it for a minute ... there you go. :) The shakes do go away. Promise. have a point. But you know that tree was just asking for it with that short skirt it was wearing. One thing I love about my friends: we all seem to devolve directly into pitch-black humor given half a chance. In the calls I made yesterday, Jody informed me that my new nickname is "Crash" and Chris told me I was an evil heartless bitch and that we probably couldn't be friends any more ... but that he'd check on me later that night to make sure I was okay. :) ...and Jeff gave me a big hug and reminded me that even the safest of drivers have crappy days.

I guess yesterday was just a bad driving day. We didn't have an accident, but two scary moments. Once on the way home by myself, and the second time Rick was driving and someone turned right in front of us. Needless to say, the brakes in my new car work very well. I decided at that point that after we got gas, we should just go home and park. I didn't want to find out if third time was a charm. I know from experience that accidents suck. Hope your car has a speedy recovery!

Thankfully, you couldn't have hit a nicer person. It could have turned out so much worse if you'd hit a jerk.

Aha, the new password works. Glad you're ok.

As long as we're sharing our stories of car stupidity, here's mine: How NOT to make a U-turn. I've also rear-ended a guy in broad daylight in the middle of a city... because I was daydreaming, looking out of the side window of my car. Oh, and I almost killed Geof when he came to visit me in Minnesota by running a red light in downtown Minneapolis.

"Oh, and I almost killed Geof when he came to visit me in Minnesota by running a red light in downtown Minneapolis." While I've blocked that out, John, the friends of mine in the car behind us have failed to do so. ;)