Seattle, Day 9: Welcome back...

Final full day in Washington state. Tweets from Seattle, day 9.

  • 7:21 AM PT: My last full Seattle day starts like the others - with a cup of tea. Toes? Chilly. Ready to go home? ...No.
  • 8:46 AM PT: @BookMamma1 need uplifting? Hmm - "single malt solves many problems"?
  • 10:39 AM PT: It's a girl! Sonja born to @wendyqualls yesterday. Mom and baby healthy ... And I'm giggling that unrelated Wendy used my sister's name. :)
  • 10:53 AM PT: @gfmorris the better part is that I'm not sure I ever told her what my sister's name was ... and @wendyqualls sister? Amy.
  • 11:17 AM PT: @gfmorris agreed, but I think it's awesome.
  • 11:32 AM PT: 58 outside. Lying in recliner, windows open, drowsing to a good book in the sunshine.
  • 3:18 PM PT: At amazon. No, srsly.
  • 3:20 PM PT: Arrived safely. Valet parking required. Will advise on ETA. Jesusphone nomnomnom.
  • 6:30 PM PT: Coffee with @scottandrew? Awesome. Nerds represent!
  • 10:44 PM PT: The last night of the Seattle trip ends as my friendship with @adamrg began - with music.