domesticat's blog

An un-eavesdropped conversation

Unfortunately, these are not direct quotes. My sleep meds are kicking in (i.e., very tired Amy right now), and this conversation happened this past weekend. But they're close enough, and you get the idea.

Tonight, on the bamboo size twos

My summer project, ambitiously untitled "Amy Makes A Harry Potter Scarf For Anyone Willing To Pony Up Yarn Money," is now definitely in full swing. Wesley got his Slytherin scarf in time for his birthday (surprise!), Dan safely has the Hufflepuff scarf he plans to give his father already in hand a month before his father's birthday, and I've just mailed off the first of Jody's scarves—a Gryffindor.

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honeysuckle simple

Life's been simple lately. Not honeysuckle simple, but simple enough.It was a necessary change. I haven't said a lot here precisely because I couldn't find the right angle, the correct approach, the perfect turn of phrase that could make it all simple and make it all sound reasonably okay. Because, the truth is, in the end, things are good.

Call it a dilemma: there are parts of my life I don't write about here because they're far too personal, far too private, or sometimes just involve intimate parts of other people's lives. Parts they're not totally comfortable with me sharing—online, or sometimes even in person. Some secrets can be quietly acknowledged among close friends, but some must remain nothing more than stifled whispers in empty rooms.

because some random guy says it over IM, it must be true

Today's winner, and potential cause of my headache, is windsor_king on Yahoo. Do, please, everyone in Huntsville feel free to say hello, as he seems to insist that he's going to be visiting Huntsville in July.

I have my doubts.

I'll huffle and I'll puffle...

…and if you're patient, you'll end up with a scarf.Scarf #2 in the Make Harry Potter Scarves For Friends project is now done. Silly me forgot to take a photo of scarf #1, which was a Slytherin scarf that was a stealth birthday present for a friend, in that "You just thought I was making this for someone else, didn't you?" kind of way I'm so bad at.

Update, 28 June 2005, Wesley's Slytherin scarf. … thanks, Mary, for the photo.

One letter makes all the difference

Spouseling's got a funny over at his site, - I wonder how much such an installation would cost?
