domesticat's blog

Drupalcon notes: CCK to Fields - Getting There From Here

Flexinode was available from 2004-2007, versions 4.4-4.7. It introduced the idea of custom content types. Problem: it didn't work at all in Views. Was rewritten to scale better. CCK, the successor, lived from 2007-2010, in versions 4.7 to 6.x.

Early on, it was table-segregated by type of data: text, integer, etc. Didn't last long. Now: if the same field exists in multiple content types, it all goes in the same table.

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Drupalcon notes: Facebook Applications in Drupal


Facebook Application Development Platform

Facebook has done some basic verification on the users, with email addresses or CAPTCHA, so you're somewhat more assured of reaching real people. Obviously, you can tap into these users' social networks.

Dev platform was created in 2007. Allows anyone to add features to Early apps were aggressively viral; this has calmed down recently. Today it supports

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Drupalcon notes: the Chaos tool suite

Collection of tools. Intended to be zero-dependency. One step above core, in Earl's view.

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Not as we planned

I am having to be far more careful at drupalcon than I'd hoped. Instead of doing a full-blown free-for-all, I'm having to be choosy about what I do -- and I'm choosing to go to sessions. I came down with something nasty either in Huntsville or in Minnesota, and it was in full swing by the time I landed in San Francisco. What had originally been just an angry tickle in the back of my throat was so bad I couldn't swallow solids or liquids without pain.

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Drupalcon notes: Objectifying PHP

(No, PHP, your ass doesn't look fat in that. Honest.)

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