domesticat's blog

Welcome to stage three

(This entry is friends-locked for obvious reasons.) Someone commented recently that I'm talking mostly about quilts these days. If you read between the lines (or have had lunch with me recently) you are aware of what's going on in my life. Work has not been the unmitigated hell that it was two years ago, but I am now in a place I never expected to be.

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song and sense

I admit it. I'm a definite fangirl where Josh Ritter is concerned. I can thank Adam for turning me on to his music. There's something in his manner of storytelling -- literate, thoughtful, playful, emotional -- that delights me every time a new album comes out.

Stumped. Ideas?

I admit, I'm more than a little stumped here. I've promised to make a kid quilt for someone (long story why I'm being fuzzy on details, but it is intentional) and I've got a set of fabrics to work with, but oh am I unsure of what to do. Care to meet the players?

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Drupalcon notes: Best Practices in Contrib Development and Support

For new, improving, and prospective module maintainers.

What's expected

You're not forced to do anything. However, if you post it, you're endorsing it. At that point, you have some responsibility. You'll need to work with the security team on fixing vulnerabilities, and support your code. Clearly communicating your intentions to your users is good, too. Poorly maintained projects give us a bad name.

Best practices: Community Management

How to enlist help:

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Drupalcon notes: Usability in D7

Testing done to answer these questions:

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Drupalcon notes: Theming with Skinr

Themer Pain Points

  • Lack of mockups = no big picture planning
  • Lack of time = sloppy CSS
  • Crazy selectors = less reusable code
  • After completion = not much flexibility, low shelf life

You're doing it wrong if...

  • You're not styling default Drupal elements
  • You're excessively targeting IDs
  • You're writing super specific CSS
  • You're creating a new .tpl file for each little change
  • You're not structuring markup in a way that is flexible

Skinr lets you

  • Create your own reusable style definitions in the theme layer
  • Lets you creat your own CSS classes and forget about drupal
  • Makes your styles point-and-click

Where it shines:

  • Contrib themes
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