site changes

I Assure You We're Open

It looks like we're back. Fingers firmly crossed.

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[still from Clerks, posted by jeremyv]

The short version?'s been parked on, a machine under Gareth's control, for years. Jeff's been wanting his own space to play, and we liked the idea of parking our sites on the same box. We were in the process of slowly moving domesticat over when a couple of database errors during our vacation caused me to move up the timeframe.

When we got back from [ Washington / Arkansas / Mississippi / if it's Tuesday we're where, exactly? ] I decided to get started on the process. We migrated my mail to gmail ... years and years of inane little emails, all now offered up on the altar of the Goog ... and tarballed all the files on the server.

Eyes and updates

The good news is that my retinas are okay. The bad news? None really; my vision is stable for the second year in a row and my eyes are fine. I'll call that a win in just about any playbook.

I had a scary incident a few weeks ago. The vision in the central portion of my right eye blurred and began to do what I can only describe as 'sparkle.' There was no pain and no other change, just an area the shape of a crescent moon in my central field of vision that was strangely prismatic.

It went away that same afternoon. Geof was right to question my blood pressure -- low as usual -- and there were no side effects.

I was glad to confirm that all was well. Ever since my mother had her cornea transplant thanks to Fuchs' dystrophy, I've been more aware than usual of how fragile my sense of sight is, and how lost I would be without it.

Your red shirt is a flotation device

At long last, it's happened -- the final two drupal modules I've been hoping would be upgraded to version 6.x have received those upgrades. I am now making preparations to make the major leap from drupal version 5.x to 6.x.

In the tradition of all upgrades, this is surely going to cause to explode. However, better than my workplace's site. Fewer of you are likely to call my house in outrage.

At least, I'd like to think that's the kind of relationship we have, right?

More updates when we're^H^H^H^H^I'm done. [send tea plz?]

Gravatars enabled

I finally remembered to add gravatars to Logged-in users only, though.

If you don't have one, you can make one very easily at

If you do have one, then look to the right and find the "my account" link in the right sidebar. Edit your info, scroll down to the bottom part of the page, and check the option that says 'Use my gravatar in comments.'

all tags: 

unfortunately instructional

If you're seeing this, the site is back up now. The past two days have been, shall we say, "unfortunately instructional" regarding drupal.

That's the polite way to say, "I know something's wrong, I'm trying out ways to fix it, and it's driving me crazy."

Drupal and I have not been friends this week.


"Utterly meaningless!

Everything is meaningless!"

Ecclesiastes 1:2

While most people are amazed at the sheer volume of attempted pickups I see through instant messenging systems, I'm not. Matthew describes it as being like telemarketing; men target a specific demographic over and over because someone, out there, is biting.
