Tonight, on the bamboo size twos
My summer project, ambitiously untitled "Amy Makes A Harry Potter Scarf For Anyone Willing To Pony Up Yarn Money," is now definitely in full swing. Wesley got his Slytherin scarf in time for his birthday (surprise!), Dan safely has the Hufflepuff scarf he plans to give his father already in hand a month before his father's birthday, and I've just mailed off the first of Jody's scarves—a Gryffindor.
Amy: | I've gotta find more knit projects for friends - I'm getting pretty fast at the Harry Potter scarves :) |
Geof: | :) Well, I'm not a good target. |
Amy: | I know. but you've seen me knitting on these, so you've seen the speed. |
Geof: | (nod) |
Amy: | I'm not quite to the point of being able to wave my hands over skeins of yarn & having garments magically appear from the ether. Maybe next year :D |
I finally got around to uploading photos of popup('/images/2005/slytherin_scarf.jpg', "Wesley's Slytherin scarf", 293, 500); ?>and Jody's Gryffindor scarf so that I've got them for posterity. (Though if you're a fan of the movies or books, you probably already know what these look like.)
Thanks to Mary for the photo of the Slytherin scarf. I finished the scarf about an hour before I was supposed to give it away, and thus didn't have time to take a picture of it.
Currently on my delicate little bamboo size twos: Jody's Ravenclaw scarf. He asked for the movie version, blue and silvery-grey, as opposed to the book version's blue and bronze. (Agreed. Book version's a bit garish.) I've established a pretty good knitting habit of finishing 1-1½ stripes per weekday and a bit more on weekends, so it's theoretically possible that he'll have his Ravenclaw scarf before the next book comes out. No promises. We'll see.
After that, all I have left to do is one child-sized Slytherin scarf for Jody—for some reason, he thinks his daughter qualifies as a Slytherin—and then I'm caught up.
I know there were a few other people (Danielle, Asai, Misty, and a couple others that I'm forgetting) who were thinking about getting a scarf, but opted not to in the first go-round. If you're interested, now's the time to ask. Same game as before: I tell you what yarn to order, you have it shipped to my house, and I present you a scarf. If you're lucky, Tenzing won't sleep on it before I'm done with it.
Otherwise, it's on to Andrew and Joy's baby blanket. :D
Also, filing for posterity: an accurate DNA scarf [pattern] Good if you have geeky biologist friends, like I do…