Coders a-musing
Ever wonder what people talk about while they're working on code? We're not nearly as mysterious as you might think. Generally we're bored, want lunch, wish our cats would stop pestering us, or really wish we could get something else done instead of what we're doing right now.
Every now and then, though, a conversation goes just a little off the deep end. Just keep in mind that Gareth owns, the machine that (among many others) lives on.
Amy: | Hmm. I need to think through a bit of logic here. |
Amy: | I originally intended to have, among others, two separate permissions: $can_create_new_sites and $can_configure_sites. But, logically, the first thing that has to happen after a new site is created is that it has to be configured. I like tightening down permissions as much as possible, but I think perhaps it's best that these are combined. |
Gareth: | Yeah. Sometimes less is more. |
Amy: | At some point you do have to extend a bit of trust. ;) |
Gareth: | Well, I wouldn't go that far. ;-) |
Amy: | Let me quantify that: if you're going to trust someone to configure (i.e. screw up) sites that already exist…then maybe they're ok to trust on new sites too. ;) |
Gareth: | I dunno, if "Trust no one" is good enough for the Bible, it's good enough for me. |
Gareth: | and if it's not in the Bible, it's about time they revised it |
Amy: | Heh. I might have to turn that into today's entry. |
Gareth: | heheh |
Amy: | A note: I decided to check on the privs for geek-chick. Sure enough, I've got it set up so that all of us can edit each other's posts, but the only people who can actually configure actual site options are me, Brad, Heather, and Geof. |
Amy: | You'd be on the list, but when the hell do you meddle in the matters of mortals anyhow? |
Gareth: | and besides, I'm omnipotent |
Amy: | that's your shirt and your logo right there: "why, yes, i AM omnipotent." Then, underneath it: "" |
Note to self: Christmas present for Gareth. This shouldn't be difficult.