A Penrose tiling is an aperiodic tiling consisting of only two tiles and containing five-fold symmetry. The wikipedia entry for Penrose tilings has good images and information about it, plus a couple of photos that help you see how the pattern might look when colored in.
I am aware of the existence of a few small Penrose quilts, but from examining the photos it looks like they contain at most three iterations of the tiling. Not surprising -- it's hard to find images to work from that have more than three iterations. I had to install Inkscape and use the instructions on this page to render out seven iterations of the pattern, but it's in readiness for when I decide to tackle the pattern.
I have purchased most of the fabric needed to make this quilt, but am not yet ready to start on it. I have a couple of small quilts to finish up before I tackle this one.
Update, November 2015
See for how the story of this quilt unfolded, and ended.
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I <3 this one. *sigh* I hope
I <3 this one. *sigh* I hope to even consider making something this cool, you know, in all my spare time someday. ;)
Amy: Your work is beyond
Your work is beyond breathtaking (and so are you!).
I left my phone number on your answering machine, and I hope I hear from you soon.
An update - I got started on
An update - I got started on this one during the week we were without power after the tornadoes. I've cut a lot of the fabric I'll need, and I sewed my test pattern last night. The entry:
['Perhaps, perhaps, a center star.']