
turn the radio up, Kevin

Thirteen years later, I keep waiting for a world in which Kevin Gilbert's lyrics don't apply.

Look at them now, drawing little lines with their speeches
Each daring the other to cross
It won't be long now cause one will make a stand he believes in
Believing it's well worth the cost
Then the other gets angry, refuses to budge
Fueled by some understandable grudge
And now we wait quietly till the missile arrives
There's no need to shout about the end of our lives

Metaphorically speaking

Via Think Progress:

A senior campaign aide who agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity admitted that Palin’s knowledge of Russia may be limited to the way someone from Miami might obtain a general feel for Latin America.

“It is very much being able to look off the tip of Alaska,” the aide said. “Metaphorically, I’m talking about.”

I'm considering nominating my cat for vice-president.  He certainly seems qualified now.

A heartbeat away

For those of us who spent the past eight years muttering that Bush scared us so much we could barely sleep at night, we now know where the sleep deficit went. I present Sarah Palin, who slept through the past eight years straight:

Lest I forget to plug...

I've never actually mentioned the WhatTheCast podcast, which is done by several of my friends.

It is worth noting that they did an episode live at dragon*con. This is notable for multiple reasons:

  1. All four of these men are my friends.
  2. They make me look positively un-nerdy.
  3. They're telling stories of what it's like to work on tech staff, and I can vouch that these stories, no matter how outrageous, are true.
  4. I'm heckling in the audience.
  5. I also get shot down by the panelists. (You'll hear the exchange in the podcast.)
  6. I even took play-by-play photos, which are available on my flickr account and Brian's flickr account.

Some assembly required

For those of you who don't keep an eye on, here's my current obsession:

Quilt #2 has been completely cut out.  Most of the blocks have been assembled from their respective pieces, although not all; the next step is to finish that process.  After that?  Sew the blocks together in ever-increasing clumps, hoping the stupid thing actually fits together in the end.Some assembly required

[Original on flickr: 'Some assembly required', or see the full photoset]

It's been a good project; it has been at the far edge of my current skill level, and I know I didn't get everything right. Luckily, about halfway through the sewing process, I stopped caring, accepted that lines wouldn't be straight and circles would point off in random directions ... and things immediately got a lot calmer.

The quilt's going to be more idiosyncratic than perfect, but I think I can live with that.

Photography showing next week

The photos are going public. Gulp.

My still-unfinished Library 365 project will be shown at the library's fundraising event next Thursday. (The goal is to get to 365; I'm currently at 105, though next week will be so busy I suspect I'll add several more photos.)
