April 2013


27 March 2013 to 6 February 2016
Level of completion: 
Completed and given away

This quilt is a simple one, born out of frustration with a work project that ate a lot of time out of each day, and continues to do so. At the end of each day, I'd feel that I'd not actually accomplished anything new, and I'd be frustrated with myself because I felt like I'd wasted that day.

I started thinking about Misty's "make something every day" artistic pledge, and I joked about it with her while we were attending an intro-to-letterpress class. She mentioned how this craft meant that you couldn't necessarily get far with 20 minutes a day, but 45 would probably do better.

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When I put yesterday's fresh rounds of travel into TripIt, I saw a line that summed up my year:

You've traveled 43,660 mi to 44 locations.

I nodded, thinking to myself about the places I've been, the people I've met -- or reconnected with -- and felt profoundly grateful. I've been welcome in a lot of places over the past year, slept on a few new couches, met delightfully new recombinations of humanity. All unique, none replaceable.

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Slowly, though Vermont

I'm about to head out on the road again, and thanks to a quirk of airlines, I'll be flying into Vermont and out through Boston. I'm doing it purely so I can roadtrip through Vermont, and see what there is to see.

I have no idea what I'll see, but I'm taking my new camera rig.

Any suggestions?

Wondering why Vermont? See this map, and it'll make sense:

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