domesticat's blog

Official "Make Fun Of Amy" Day

Just so you all know - commenting should work properly on now. Suffice it to say I'm a dork, and I should be a bit more careful when I upload files. Carry on. Comment, or something. (I already hear you getting ideas, Mr. Cavanagh. Quiet, you.)

While I have your attention, I'd also like to note that should I get my hands on the previous owners of this house (preferably while in the jurisdiction of a country that has no laws on murder) I really should do some unspeakable things to their corpses.

Just to make a point.

Your truck might smell of rice ...

If you need to put not one, but five, Planet Audio stickers on it

If your camper shell has an emblem on it that could only be described as a flaming squid

If you think changing the taillights and wheels on your Nissan V6 makes it look faster


I received the following email this morning, and given its urgency and importance, felt that I should both reply and make my reply available to you, the loyal readerbase of

Date: Thu, 31 Oct 2002 22:50 -0800
To: webmaster [at]
From: Katherine Rappaport [katherinerappaport [at]]

intent to convert

I'm not much for proselytizing. Nor much, outside my close circle of friends, for expounding upon my spiritual beliefs. I tend to draw the line at random strangers publicly announcing religious beliefs, especially with intent to convert. (We should so make that a tort.) For me, there's a vast (and only rarely blurry) difference between two friends talking about the things that matter over coffee, and some random, unknown person trying to take a few minutes to convince me that their belief system is the right way to go.

New skin: trompe l'œil

In yet another maddening case of my finally making a skin available after having the design completed for half a year, I've finally gotten around to posting the latest (if you can call it that!) skin, trompe l'œil.

Long ago, when I got started on this bizarre skinning odyssey, I'd had the idea of creating not just skins, but groups of skins. With not much thought, you'll figure out that pazdziernika (fall) and glacial (winter) are intended to be part of a series.

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What Will is having for dinner

I never thought I'd see the day that I had a post that qualified under both "freeform writing" and "kitchen life." I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it would be Will that would make it happen.

He's adorable, and the next time we get together, he's making me dinner. I'll even buy the wine and clean the kitchen up afterwards.

I present what is, quite possibly, the most conversational recipe known to mankind. I can't even read it without getting a grin. It's probably the next best thing to actually getting to eat it.
