domesticat's blog

Smaller beds next time

Some of you will remember back in November when I mentioned I was working on a quilt I called 'red shift.'

I am cheating and showing pictures ahead of time, but I am aware that neither of the recipients are reading blogs right now, as the female half of the duo is recovering from serious, albeit planned, surgery. (She's doing well.)

Here's what has had me obsessed since November.  All photos from the set are now public. 

PHE 2009

If you're attending PHE, please go to and give us an idea of your crashspace & meal needs.  Planning has commenced.

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If I'm not prosecuted, it's legal, right?

If you don't get punished, you didn't go anything wrong, right?  That's the message Vice President Dick Cheney gave in an interview with CBS' Bob Schieffer on Sunday, suggesting that a president's actions are legal if those actions didn't result in his impeachment. [read the rest of the article]

Via @trickjarrett.  Thanks for causing my head to nearly explode through steam, Patrick.

Cats as NFAs

Here's what I sent out this morning via twitter:

If a human kid, those actions would mean "I had a bad dream, plz cuddle me." But Tenzing is a 9yr-old CAT. Translations, twitterkin?

The response from John was worth quoting:

Tenz as an NFA:  N>E;N>M;N>S;N>P;M>S;M>E;M>P;E>P;E>S;E>N;E>M;P>M;P>N;

Hear the 2008 Earworm List!

While joking around with friends on New Year's Eve, a couple of people noted they had NO familiarity whatsoever with most of the artists whose music I loved in 2008.  It occurs to me that, as a webgeek, I have the technology to fix this problem.

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2008: music in review

I'm taking a cue from Geof and Brad, and posting a list of my 2008 music in review. ObNote, of course, is that my account on made it incredibly easy to compile this list. This December marks four years of tracking my listening habits through their software, and it's been a fascinating exercise.

My profile:

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