
Did you get a quilt? I have a favor to ask...

If you've gotten a quilt from me, I have a favor to ask of you. I realized just now that I've had a flickr group set up for some time now -- -- but I haven't really TOLD anyone about it, thus totally defeating the purpose of having a group on flickr. It's devoted to one thing:

Action shots!

Too sleepy to sew

Sunday afternoon. I've done almost no sewing this week; I've been mentally drained out of proportion to my actual physical tiredness. Jeff and I took our first stab at geocaching yesterday with mixed results, but we intend to try again; today we caught a morning matinee of 'Sherlock Holmes' and then made a quick grocery run before heading home.

Jeff sleeps right now, having stayed up a good chunk of the night while the storms were rolling through. The cats, fed, are hunting for warm places to nap. A good Sunday, overall.

4.5 years later...

A dozing moment of insight brought some of my photos back to me.

I have been on a photo hunt for months now. The goal: find as many of my photo originals as possible, and lodge them on flickr. I was unhappy with storing them on domesticat, and decided it was well past time to archive them in one place.

I had considered the originals of my Sedona photos lost. Not any more: