
Photos from Over the Rhine show

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Geof lured me into driving down to the most excellent Workplay Theatre in Birmingham to see Over the Rhine perform last night. As we explained to the fans at the next table who had driven in from Florida to see the show: "He's a fan of the band. She's a fan of the venue." (Full photoset is here.)

Geof taped the show, so I'm guessing he'll post a link here when the download's available? It's like going to the show, without the annoying "get back after one a.m. when you have to be at work at 7:30" factor.

It's worth noting that we looked like reporters with all the gear we hauled in: taping equipment and two semipro cameras. (I'm still wondering how I ever managed to photograph concerts without a tripod / monopod.)

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February 2008 photo roundup

It's been a week of photography around here, for those of you who aren't following the stream-of-consciousness log over at When I came to work yesterday morning, Melissa popped her head in the door and said, "Did you see those clouds on the way in?" I nodded; the dark, billowing shapes had caught my eye, too.

But Melissa had keys in her hand, and a plan in mind. "Come on. Let's go to the roof. Bring your camera."

I came back with only three usable photos, but they were three photos I hadn't expected to get. For dark and moody, here's a shot of the First Baptist Church's bell tower, one of the most recognizable parts of the Huntsville skyline:

The rocket-inspired steeple of the First Baptist Church on Governors Drive is one of the most recognizable features in the downtown Huntsville skyline.  (Shot from the roof of the Huntsville Public Library.)Spire

I also got two shots of the Huntsville skyline that, while not terribly inspired, are also very different from any other downtown photos currently on flickr:

Clearly not hatched

From Jeff's grandmother's surprise 80th birthday party this weekend, I present definitive photographic proof that Jeff was not hatched. The 'hatched' theory holds no water when you see how much the entire family resembles each other. Link goes to photoset, or click the photo below:

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Home at last

We are home at last, with feet that tell tales and piles of laundry that are making their way through the washer and dryer.

Jeff suggested I use a very high f-stop and long shutter speed to flatten the depth of field in my photos of the nave.  To do so, I had to prop my camera on a pew.  The cathedral was busy, even in the middle of a weekday, and after a while I realized that with a long shutter speed, I'd never get an unobstructed view of the nave.  Instead, I got contrasts: the stillness of stone, the fast-moving tourist in the aisle, and the couple a few pews ahead of me, kneeling and still in prayer.  A better shot than perhaps I deserved to get.Nave traffic, St. Patrick's

I've uploaded and geotagged our photos, which led to our realization that we walked far, far more than we gave ourselves credit for. (Though now I'm wondering what kind of equipment it takes to auto-geotag a photo on a Nikon D80...)

There are quite a few photos: everything from urban blight to cathedral glory, but only a couple of us. There's the tea shop in Greenwich Village and the site of our magnificent birthday dinner.

We are tired, footsore, and glad to be home.

Library 365 photos

I'm using the new camera to try out some image goodness. I've not really dusted off my journeyman-level photo skills in quite some time, but the new Nikon D80 begs for it. I decided to give myself a project, so I picked up the Library 365 challenge -- 365 photos about libraries.

Stamps found at the front circulation desk at the main branch of the library.#4 - Stamps, front desk

I at least remember a little of how to do this. My 'eye' was out of practice, but it's slowly getting better. What a joy it is to finally have a digital camera that allows me to stop down on images. That's going to be so much fun next week...
