Job-related hiatus

Can I write here about what I see at work? I don't know, and the answers I've gotten are conflicting. I like this job, and would like for it to stick around, so it's taking priority over personal websites and things like that.Heck, it's taking priority over virtually everything else in my life, too. I'm trying to get settled, and buy myself some time—they have more needs than a single person can fulfill right now. What I'm having to do right now is prioritize more harshly than I've had to in a long time, code fast, code smart, and count on the fact that if I keep my priorities straight, this gets easier. Eventually.

The truth? At least for the time being, this job I wasn't looking for WAS what I was looking for.

As soon as I know what I can say, and as soon as I'm no longer regularly pulling 9-hour days every day plus coming in on weekends, chances are good I'll start speaking up again. I'll say this, though:

Goodness, librarians are outspoken.