
Banner trouble ticket day

Moments like these are why my co-workers settle in to read my trouble tickets with amusement:

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Quilt festival : the story of 'star stories'

I'm hoping nobody minds that I do this, because this is old news to anyone who has been reading my sporadic entries this year, but I wanted to make a single, combined post about my quilt 'star stories' for an online quilt festival.  It seems there is an online quilting community, of which I am not really part of.  Perhaps it is time.

DrupalCon Paris: Amy's notes, day 1

If you are not at drupalcon or are not a drupal user, feel free to skip this post entirely.  These are just my notes from the sessions I attended.

Social butterflies in Paris

I know my friends were concerned about the tweet I left last night about wanting to come home, and I realized this morning there was no way I could explain what was going on in my head in under 140 characters.  I could say "I'm homesick," but that puts a cheap and easy spin on something I recognize is not either cheap nor easy.
