Amy's quilts

These are the quilts I've done, or am doing now. I don't pretend to be the best quilter in the world, but I do enjoy playing with color. Since my day job involves me working with databases and code, it's often a pleasure and a relief to step away from that world and exercise another portion of my brain.

There's a Quiltifesto of sorts - why I'm doing this, and why I do it in the manner I do. It's a rant. You might even laugh at it. Be sure to read through the comments, too.

My quilt collection on Flickr has a photoset for every quilt listed here.

If I'm helping you decide what you want your quilt to look like, this page of ideas may help you. I love action shots. If you own one of my quilts, throw some photos into so I can see what their lives are like after they leave my sewing machine.

Want RSS feeds only of the quilts? has it. 

In progress