domesticat's blog

blood orange

"You are a source of wisdom and strength to those around you."

- fortune cookie with a twisted sense of humor

I'm not sure if all this is scaring me or if it's giving me hope, or if this sudden feeling is what it's like to recognize my own backbone for the first time in a couple of years.

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Willful stupidity and a 20-pound EZ curl bar

"I have a feeling we'll be getting "train wrecks from the gym" as often as we get "train wrecks from IM'ing" here soon." - Kat

Dear God. I'm supposed to be cooling down, prepping my lunch, and contemplating errands, but right now I'm sitting here unable to do anything besides laugh and shake my head in horror. I can only describe this morning's workout as somewhere between a Lewis Black comedy special and a train wreck.

Jody's Less-Vaguely Moroccan Veggie Dish

While we're on the Moroccan theme tonight, here's another from the vast set of recipes that Jody sent me a couple of weeks ago - good for those of us who are trying to up our veggie counts by whatever means are necessary. He calls this his Moroccan version of "veggie delight."

I have to admit, I don't even know what "veggie delight" is. I'm somewhat afraid to ask. Asking questions like that always seems to get me in trouble...

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Jody's Vaguely Moroccan Chicken

This recipe is highly modified from Jody's original recipe, which included many notes like this:

2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil (i wanna know where the skank ho olive oil is)

While I realize that cutting out his commentary ruins the reading of the recipe a bit, I'm hoping that it doesn't ruin the taste of the finished dish. This is one of several recipes he's fired out to me lately, in an attempt to help me liven up the Many Forms Of Low-Fat Chicken Cooking we're doing these days.

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Are you a nun?

Ok, gents, let's review! While the desperation of humanity is often palpable on the holiday this year known as Black Satur….er, Valentine's Day, just because a depth is there doesn't mean you should sink to it.

A geek's approach to workouts

There's a special place in hell for people like us. In this case, 'Chris' is Mr. Lanphear of non-fame.
