domesticat's blog

Pull quotes? An opinion poll

I've been pondering the idea of adding pull quotes on this site for quite some time. I'm aware that many of the pieces I make available on here for reading are quite long, and I've often wondered if I should treat them as they would be treated if they were in print. (Obviously, I'd need to turn them off for the lynx/PDA versions of this site.)

I'd welcome opinions on this subject. You can email them or place them in comments.

(Longer post forthcoming, hopefully today, if I can edit it into a shape I like.)

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duck, quack, and cover

Be vewwy vewwy qwiet. I'm hunting endorphins.

Hour eight of headache. Die, headache, die. Lovely evening consisting mostly of staring at computer, trying very hard to move nothing more than my fingers and my eyes. A still head is a head that hurts less.The battle was lost in hour five, when thirty minutes after taking the first aspirin + acetaminophen + caffeine combo, I was whispering to friends, "When can I take another? I think the first one skipped town before doing anything useful..."

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"Utterly meaningless!

Everything is meaningless!"

Ecclesiastes 1:2

While most people are amazed at the sheer volume of attempted pickups I see through instant messenging systems, I'm not. Matthew describes it as being like telemarketing; men target a specific demographic over and over because someone, out there, is biting.

Funniest billboard ever?

I will have more coherent thoughts on this subject later, but I wanted to share this photo with the world sooner, rather than later. This is a real billboard. It is currently in place near the junction of I-565 and Memorial Parkway. Kat and Sean spotted it first, and told us about it last night. I'd planned to wait a few days to photograph it, but when Jeff and I went for lunch today, we saw a camera crew from a local TV station taking footage of the sign.

whirling breast vortex

Those of us who read entertainment news with any degree of amusement, skepticism, or fascination have probably greeted the idea of Spike TV with either a waggle of eyebrow (or at least a waggle of tentacle). "Television for men," they say.

"So," you say (if you're me), "what portions of the male television need have not been met? What heretofore-undiscovered niche of male television programming has not already been exploited for its inherent commercial breaks?"

shorn again

"..and the prince and the drummer and the fire girls
Couldn't get our guitars in tune
And I knew it was over when the sound man said
"I wish we were still in ..."


Every now and then, it's fun to reconnect with someone who has been out of the loop for a few weeks, just for the sheer fun of surprising them with what's been going on in your life.
