July 2008

Muxtape and photos for July 2008

I've updated my muxtape with some songs that have been stuck in my head over the past month or so.

What? That's not enough for an update for you people? Hmph. Okay then. Then how about photos from the Bleu, Sandra McCracken, and Derek Webb show I attended with Geof:

Lens of yesterday's eye

If I had to guess, I was six. Maybe. Too young for such things at the time, too young for such things even now, in an age of technologized children. I was young, and my memories took longer than most to root, so I do not remember a time when I did not know the inner workings of a camera.

Matthew's Movie Notes, part 1

I have this friend.

Everyone say hi to Matthew. (Hi, Matthew!)

He's a grad student at an unnamed large university in the northeast, and he's known me since I was ... crap, let's not get into how long we've known each other.

Suffice it to say, somewhere in our teens, we discovered we were kindred spirits. For quite some time now, he's been sending me one-liner movie reviews on netflix, and my general reaction is usually a snort of laughter. I haven't done anything with the emails, but I haven't deleted them either. He has since agreed to let me repost some of his movie comments here, so I present the first installment in Matthew's Movie Notes...



I am in placeholder time, the time between fully here and fully there in which one's thoughts are distractedly trying to root in both places at once and -- usually -- failing miserably.

The twitter repost script is turned on, so you'll see my increasingly nervous natterings as the trip inches ever closer. it feels real now, real like the fine layer of cat fur Tenzing deigned to place on my bags tonight.

Jeff is gone to Seattle already; words sneak back east of his doings and his travels. The stories await my arrival for the telling; all I have right now are Adam's snapshots of Jeff, so familiar and yet so far away.

Twitterlog for Monday, July 21, 2008

While I am on the West Coast, I've got a script set up to automatically repost my tweets in 24-hour batches. Here's what I've been up to:

Seattle, Day 0: Travel

While I am on the West Coast, I've got a script set up to automatically repost my tweets in 24-hour batches. Here's what I've been up to:

Seattle, Day 1: Baseball!

Baseball games, movies, and more. Tweets from Seattle, day 1.

Seattle, Day 2: Librarians

Librarians and interstate commerce. Tweets from Seattle, day 2.

Seattle, Day 3: Commerce

July 25th -- our tenth anniversary -- in which we gather at a remote riverside cabin with friends. Hilarity ensues. Tweets from Seattle, day 3.

Seattle, Day 4: Cabin

Seven geeks enter a cabin. Who runs screaming first? Tweets from Seattle, day 4.

Seattle, Day 5: Cabin, Day 2

Jeff and the Canadians head home. Asai, Adam, and Amy go camping. Brace yourself. Tweets from Seattle, day 5.

Seattle, Day 6: Civilization, bah!

Asai heads home, leaving Amy and Adam to camp for themselves. Tweets from Seattle, day 6.

Seattle, Day 8: Civilization, bah!

When writing these blurbs in advance, I realized I had no idea what this day would hold. Tweets from Seattle, day 8.